March Dates & Celebrations

American Red Cross Month   March 1-31


Beer Day in Iceland   March 1

Might be fun to call a bar in Reykjavik and join the festivities.


Zero Discrimination  Day   March 1

Zero Discrimination Day is observed each year on 1 March | UNAIDS


Return The Borrowed Books Week   March 1-7


Reminds you to go through your book shelf and return all of your borrowed books to people that are anxiously awaiting them. This is sponsored by the Global Society For The Prevention Of Cruelty To Cartoonists. Call Al Kaelin at 323-221-7909


Worldwide Home Schooling Awareness Month   March 1-31


Plan A Solo Vacation Day                March 1 is the homebase for all of us who enjoy getting away, locking ourselves in a room at the La Quinta with a six pack and whatever is on the Lodgenet.


National Write A Letter Of Appreciation Week  March 1-7


I guess swearing is grossly inappropriate in these forms of correspondence. Which is half the fun of complaining. Call Larry McManus at 815-344-4934.


International Mirth Month   March 1-31


Honoring one of the all-time great talk show hosts, Mirth Griffin, this month also focuses the ability of humor and mirth to get us through the not-so-funny times. Like this e-mail. Call Allen Klein 415-431-1913.


Employee Spirit Month    March 1-31


Maintenance Division, 3rd Shift Weekends has spirit, yes we do, Maintenance Division, 3rd Shift Weekends has spirit, how ‘bout you?!


Lindbergh Kidnapping Anniversary   March 1

On this date in 1932 the son of Charles Lindbergh was kidnapped and murdered. Bruno Hauptmann was convicted and executed following the Trial Of The Century. At least until OJ.


National Multiple Sclerosis Education and Awareness Month          March 1-31


National Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month             March 1-31


Call 703-836-4412.


Mad For Plaid Month           March 1-31

The Fashion Committee for the National Arts Club in New York came up with this description: This month celebrates the history and allure of plaid from madras to tartan to gingham to check, to the most popular, Black Watch. Events: what’s trending now; how to mix plaid with other patterns; how to incorporate plaid into a work, weekend and formal-wear wardrobe; why plaid has endured for 15 centuries and plaid as a cultural icon.


National Horse Protection Day   March 1


A day to call attention to abuse and neglect of our equine friends. www.nationalhorseprotectionday


National Ghostwriters Week         March 1-7

Not only are over 50% of all books ghostwritten, so are other things that you might read every day. My name is Bel and I’m Paige’s exchange student from Brazil. The day after I got here, he pulled me out of school and started me writing his daily stuff for this and All Access. I’m not supposed to tell anyone. Please call the authorities, wait, oh God, he’s coming. Please send hel


Music In Our Schools Month   March 1-31


Calls attention to the role of music education in a balanced curriculum. Call 800-336-3768.


National Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Awareness Month   March 1-31

This World Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Awareness Day, Let's Fight Fatigue!!

Sponsored by the Association of the same name. 816-313-2000.


National Frozen Food Month   March 1-31

My favorite part of TV dinners? Picking the vegetables out of the apple cobbler. 717-657-8601


National Caffeine Awareness Month   March 1-31


Ifff myy hannnnnndsss weeerreeen’t shakkkking so muuuuuch, I’d writtttteee moooooooore. Callllllll 718-670-7263.


Play The Recorder Month   March 1-31


If anything can summon up a 4th grade flashback, it’s the damned recorder. True story. The second Fugitive in Minneapolis was in that Aerosmith “Armageddon” video. It was shot in the Twin Cities. When she filled out the audition form, it asked if she played an instrument. She wrote down “recorder”…and got in.  Call 303-347-1120


Dadgum That’s Good! Day   March 1



Sing With Your Child Month   March 1-31


National Umbrella Month   March 1-31


Thomas Edward Knibbs of Frederick, Maryland is obsessed with umbrellas. I bet he has a lot of cats too. He’d suck the life out of a party in under a minute, wouldn’t you think? Call him at 301-695-6364.


National Nutrition Month   March 1-31


Now is the time to buy up all of the tabloids, get their monthly “miracle” diets and stick one listener on each diet to see which tabloid wins. The winner should get a gourmet weekend at some resort and the losers should all get subscriptions to their respective tabloids. Call the National Center For Nutrition and Dietetics at 312-899-0040.


National Pig Day   March 1

Cute Pig GIFs | Tenor

Though this was intended to pay homage to man’s most intelligent and domesticated animal, it has other applications. Have women call in and nominate ex-husbands and boyfriends as Pig Of The Year. Categories could include “Lamest Attempt To Conceal Infidelities”. Getting back to the swine, Ellen Stanley loves her pigs and will tell you all about them. 806-792-5675.


Poison Prevention Awareness Month   March 1-31


Still one of the great hair bands of the late 80’s, so I don’t see what all the fuss is about. What? Oh, uh, never mind. A great topic that will get the attention of parents. Call 415-479-8628.


Optimism Month     March 1-31


This is it. This is going to be the month I turn things around. Why? I’m good enough. I’m smart enough. And doggone it, people like me. Call Dr. Michael Mercer at 847-382-0690.


Ke$ha Turns 38!!! And Justin Bieber Turns 31!!!!   March 1

In today's celebrity feuds: Ke$ha apologizes to Justin Bieber

National Cheerleading Week   March 1-7

Image result for Cheerleading gif

Bonus points to anyone who can tie this in with Employee Spirit Month. E-mail Linda Lundy for the scoop at [email protected] or call 281-399-8357.


National Peanut Month       March 1-31 .


World Compliment Day      March 1


Another day for really cheerful people.


Professional Pet Sitters Week   March 1-7


On our street, her name is Becky. Might not be a pro but she’s a highly ranked amateur and we’d be lost without her.


Dr. Seuss’ Birthday   March 2, 1904 (Born Theodore Geisel)

Image result for Dr. Seuss' first appearance

I love to read the daily stuff. I love it when I’m feeling gruff, I do not loath that boy named Paige; it’s (insert your current employer) that puts me in a rage, etc. etc. ad nauseum.


Celebrate Your Name Week          March 2-8


For someone who encourages you to research your name, it’s origins and it’s meaning, “Jerry Hill” has a rather boring one. [email protected]



National Procrastination Week  March 2-8


I was going to write about this last month but time just kind of slipped away on me. Hope you can still have some fun with it. Call Les Waas at 215-947-9020.


Termite Awareness Week            March 2-8


Termite, or not termite, that is the question. Created by Pest World, a really unfortunately named family attraction in Daytona Beach.


Read An eBook Week         March 2-8


Start at and then graduate to the more intellectual stuff.

Telecommuter Appreciation Week         March 2-8


Celebrates those of us with home offices who as you read this, are sitting in our pajamas at 4 pm on a Monday afternoon, reading “Betty & Veronica” comicbooks and waiting for “King Of Queens” to come on in an hour. [email protected]


NEA’s Read Across America Day              March 3


Annually on Dr. Seuss’s birthday.


What If Cats And Dogs Had Opposable Thumbs Day                March 3

Simplify Your Life Day   March 3

Soup It Forward Day   March 3

Martyrs Day in the Nation of Malawi   March 3

National Anthem Day   March 3

On this date in 1931, President Herbert Hoover signed a bill designating “The Star Spangled Banner” as our National Anthem. Sporting events have never been the same since.

National School Breakfast Week   March 3-7

Billy Burke did this at Z-90. He and his partner dressed up as lunch ladies, complete with a fake wart on the end of their noses, and helped feed kids at a school cafeteria. If you don’t want to lower yourself to this level, why not get some of these un-sung heroes of the lunch room and do a competition during morning drive. Crown a Ms. School Lunch Lady. The trophy of course would be one of those clear plastic gloves…bronzed. For info call 703-739-3900.

Tim Kazurinsky Turns 75!! and David Faustino Turns 51!! March 3


National Grammar Day   March 4


Ungood grammar done tick me off.


People Magazine First Published: Anniversary   March 4, 1974 with Mia Farrow on the cover


Catherine O’Hara Turns  71!!!        March 4

Image result for catherine o'hara schitt's creek gif

Hug A GI Day  March 4

As opposed to Upper GI Day.

Mardi Gras March 4

National Poutine Day   March 5

Image result for poutine gif

Name Tag Day           March 6

My absolutely favorite part of this Chases Almanac description of a day to celebrate your name by wearing one of those “Hi! My name is (blank)” tags, is “This is not for unsupervised children”.

Day Of The Dude   March 6


Amy Pietz Turns 56!!   March 6


Sock Monkey Day   March 7

National Be Heard Day         March 7


A day for the 145 million small business owners to be heard and publicize themselves.

National Flapjacks Day    March 7

Employee Appreciation Day   March 7

Monopoly Invented   March 7, 1933WS Game Company Monopoly Maple Luxury Edition Board Game on Food52

World Day Of Prayer            March 7 


Jenna Fischer Turns 51!! And Taylor Dayne Turns 63!!   March 7

instead i look at the sky and i feel nothing — JENNA FISCHER as PAM BEESLY in The Office... Taylor Dayne - Tell It to My Heart on Make a GIF

International Working Women’s Day   March 8

Why get caught in the trap of focusing on secretaries, nurses or lunch ladies. Honor them all with a big brunch or after-work party. This is a national holiday in Russia and China, where flowers are traditionally presented as gifts to women workers.

International Fanny Pack Day   March 9

9 Best Fanny Packs You Can Cop For Less Than PHP1000 Right Now!

And they’re making a fashion comeback, which is truly another sign of the impending apocolypse.

Retro Video Game Day     March 13

Freshman year my roommate had…wait for it….PONG. We were the party room,

National Proofreading Day             March 8

Seriously, take a day and spent some time look at your sites and social media. One of the stations had eblasts that were written by someone who spoke English as a 5th language.

Peabody Award Winning Promotional Consultant Turns &%$#@!!  March 8


Start Your Mid-Life Crisis Day March 9

Celebrated in Scandia, Minnesota, celebrants dump their wives, buy a sports car, wear Members Only jackets, and date Lithuanian Instagram influencers.

Check Your Batteries Day    March 9

Panic Day   March 9

An average morning in the Sales Department. Take this opportunity to run around shrieking and flailing your arms in the air. The Roys will do just that if you don’t call them at 717-279-0184.

Get Over It Day    March 9 

Barbie Debuts: Anniversary   March 9

Over one BILLION have been sold since her “birth” on this date in 1959.

Fill Our Staplers Day            March 9

Created by the Dull Men’s Club as a time killer.

Mario Day  March 10

A day to honor all Mario’s, wherever they may be, and whatever they may mar. Call Mario Fascitelli at 505-293-2634.


Daylight Savings Time   March 10 to November 3   

Telephone Invention: 158th Anniversary   March 10


Radio contests haven’t been the same since. Alexander Graham Bell transmitted the first telephone call to his assistant in the other room: “Mr. Watson, come here, I want you”. Of course very few people have ever realized the context in which he meant “I want you”, making this the official first obscene phone call and was entered into evidence at his meeting with HR.


Land Line Telephone Day   March 10


Honors the basement dwellers who hold our fate in their hands.

National Workplace Napping Day              March 10

Straight out of “Seinfeld”.  

International Brain Awareness Week  March 10-16

I’d do Brain Freeze Awareness and have listeners chug Mister Misty’s from Dairy Queen. But then, I liked the “Hangover 3”. Call 212-401-1680.

International Bag Pipe Day   March 10

“Piper down!”

Fourteenth Anniversary Of The Japan Earthquake and Tsunami     March 11


“COPS” Premieres             March 11, 1989


Also the first use of  “That’s not mine. I didn’t put it in my car.”


National Promposal Day   March 11


COVID Pandemic Day          March 11


Recognizes the date in 2020 that things went kablooey.


Organize Your Home Office Day   March 11

My annual day to pick up all the beer cans and throw them in a pile on the front lawn. 34 million Americans have home offices. Learn more then you want to know at


Deaf History Month             March 13-April 15


K9 Veterans Day   March 13


Be Smart And Sexy Day   March 13


One of those positive affirmation things. and speaking of which…


Dana Delaney Turns 69!!   March 13

Image result for Dana Delaney gif


National Open An Umbrella Indoors Day             March 13

Opening Umbrella Fail | Best Funny Gifs Updated Daily

This has something to do with testing your luck. I stopped reading too much into these things about ten years ago. [email protected]


Mattel Introduces The Ken Doll March 13, 1961


Uranus Discovered             March 13, 1781


It just writes itself.

Pi Day   March 14

Potato Chip Day   March 14

World’s Largest Rattlesnake Roundup               March 14-16


If it involves snakes, snake meat, snake races, snake recipes, snake crafts or snake hunting, then Sweetwater, Texas is where you want to be. Be sure to join in the fun as everyone sucks venom out of each others’ legs the last day.

Moth-er Day   March 14


A day to honor moths. Moth collectors. Moth specialists. All while experiencing a full body shiver. 703-533-3668.



Rick Dees Turns 74!!!!          March 14  “That’s aMAZING!”


“Three’s Company” Debuts   March 15, 1977 (Why can’t Richard Kline get any good roles?)


“Wonder Years” Debuts  March 15, 1988 (Why can’t Jason Hervey get any good roles?)

The Wonder Years GIF - The Wonder Years Fred Savage Nbc - Discover & Share GIFs

True Confessions Day   March 15


This has “morning show” written all over it. Allow a listener to purge him/herself of guilt by getting on the air and spilling it all.

Corndog Day    March 15

Corndog GIFs - Get the best GIF on GIPHY

Tequila Day   March 15

Brutus Day   March 15


Annually on the Ides of March, celebrate your co-workers who stab you in the back.


“Gumby” TV Show Premieres   March 16, 1957

Gumby GIFs | Tenor

My brothers ripped the arms off my Gumby. Which goes a LONG way towards explaining me.


Lips Appreciation Day        March 16


Another Roy holiday. I give up. 717-274-0184.


No Selfies Day         March 16

File:No selfies.svg - Wikipedia

Observed on the birthday of Philippe Kahn, the inventor of the cell phone camera and the first person known to transmit a photo: a birth picture of his daughter taken in 1997 with his cell phone. Annually on Mar 16.


Campfire Girls: Anniversary   March 17, 1910

Act Happy Day           March 17


This was created by a doctor who believes that happy people live longer. Call 651-484-5162


St. Patrick’s Day   March 17

Image result for green beer gif

There’s nothing like a good excuse to drink watered down beer that someone’s dyed green.

Fix A Leak Week      March 17-23

Electric Razor First Marketed              March 18, 1931

Forgive Mom & Dad Day   March 18


What parent hasn’t made an occasional mistake or screwup? Why, just last week I tied the girls to a rope in the yard so they could play and forgot about them until the neighbor called that night to say it sounded like a wounded animal was out in our field. Whoops!!! Big laughs. This is the day that kids call up their parents and forgive them. I’m going to visit my mom at “the home” and tell her that third grade, when she used to send me to school with “I Wet My Bed” written in crayon on my forehead, is behind me now. After years of therapy, I’m cool with it.


Or “Pronto Pups” to the non-Minnesotan heathens.

Awkward Moments Day   March 18

If this doesn’t have “Morning Show Topic” written all over it, I don’t know what does. Call Wayne or Laura at 860-887-7054.

Kiss Your Fiance Day   March 18

Sloppy Joe Day   March 18

Irene Cara Would Have Turned 65 and Adam Levine Turns 45!!        March 18

À LA DÉRIVE — MUSIC & DANCE IN FILM › 1 / ∞ FAME (1980, dir....Image result for adam levine gif

Goddess Of Fertility Day   March 18

Operation Iraqi Freedom Begins March19, 2003

Proposal Day   March 20

Alien Abduction Day   March 20

aliens abduction GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY

Free Cone Day At DQ    March 20

Snowman Burning   March 20

The students at Lake Superior State University celebrate the first day of Spring with poetry, partying and the burning of a snowman. Call 906-635-2315.


Won’t You Be My Neighbor Day March 20

In honor of Fred Rogers’ birthday, Christina Costain wants you to wear a sweater and be a good neighbor. I kid you not.


Great American Meatout   March 20

Like the Great American Smokeout, people are urged to give up red meat for one day to help publicize animal abuse and other destructive impacts of intensive animal agriculture on human health and natural resources. Call the Farm Animal Reform Movement at 301-530-1737. I’m pledging to not wear any clothes made from meat on this date. Nor, fill my cars tank with it.

Spring   March 20-June 19

Independence Day In Namibia   March 21

World Down Syndrome Day   March 21


Memory Day   March 21

I genuinely tried to follow the description of this in Chases, but got absolutely nowhere with it. Why not give Bob Birch a call and let him walk you through it? 703-533-3668.

National Single Parent Day  March 21

National Spray Tanning Day   March 21

United Nations: International Day For The Elimination Of Racial Discrimination March 21

Kevin Federline Turns 46!!!!           March 21

Laser Patented   March 22, 1960


“Are those frickin’ lasers on frickin’ shark’s heads?”


As Young As You Feel Day   March 22


Sponsored by the Roys, who are aging me by the minute. 717-279-0184


International Goof-Off Day             March 22


As if we need an excuse. Call Monica at 810-658-7877


Talk Like William Shatner Day   March 22


Reese Witherspoon Turns 48!!!   March 22 (“Election” might be the greatest film of all time and I’m prepared to debate you on it)

National Puppy Day              March 23

The goal of today is to have 10,000 puppies be adopted from shelters.

Be Mad Day   March 23

Near Miss Day   March 23, 1989

On this date a mountain sized asteroid passed within 500,000 miles of Earth, which is a very close call according to NASA. The impact would have been equal to 40,000 hydrogen bombs, created a crater the size of the District of Columbia, and devastated everything for 100 miles in all directions. “Good morning evrehbuddy!” With last week’s miss, this is worthy of mentioning because of the size.


Earth Hour   March 23

Over a billion people in 4000 cities worldwide will turn off their electricity for one hour starting at 8:30 am local time.

Richard Grieco Turns 59!! And Keri Russell Turns 48!!!    March 23

Hot In the City Tonight

Keri Russell Felicity Porter GIF - Keri Russell Felicity Porter - Discover & Share GIFs

National Cocktail Day   March 24

Cocktail (1988) : r/nostalgia

Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Anniversary   March 24, 1989

Elton John Turns 77!!!         March 25

Make Up Your Own Holiday Day   March 26

This is the day that you can name for anything that pops into your head; how about “Pops Into Your Head Day”? Of course, all the good days like Martyrs Day are already taken. You’ll just have to be more creative. Call those darn Roys at 717-279-0184.

International Balloon Animal Day   March 26

Kenny Chesney Turns 57!! And Jennifer Grey Turns 64!!!    March 26

Kenny Chesney GIF - - Discover & Share GIFs

Ferris Buellers Day Off Jennifer Grey GIF - Ferris Buellers Day Off Jennifer Grey Scream - Discover & Share GIFs


National Scribble Day   March 27


Quirky Country Music Song Titles Day   March 27

World Cheese Day   March 27

Viagra Day   March 27

Julia Stiles Turns 43!!!and Lady Gaga Turns 38!!    March 28

Image result for julia stiles gif

Lady Gaga Astarisborn GIF - LadyGaga Astarisborn Shook GIFs | Lady gaga memes, Lady gaga gif, Lady gaga


Three Mile Island Nuclear Power Plant Accident Anniversary   March 28, 1979

Weed Appreciation Day   March 28

(The lawn kind, not the other kind)

National Mom And Pop Business Owners Day   March 29

“National Mom And Pop Business Owners Day” has been purchased by Haliburton and use of the name without the express written permission of the corporation will result in a lawsuit. Call Rick or Margie at 781-272-9995.

Pencil Patented        March 30, 1858

MC Hammer Turns 62!!!   March 30 (The Hammer needs love. And money.)

Ronald Reagan Assassination Attempt Anniversary   March 30, 1981

International Hug A Medievalist Day  March 31

National “She’s Funny That Way” Day                  March 31

Brenda Meredith with Dahomey Publishing wants you to honor and recognize the humorous and unique qualities of the women in your life. Brenda NEEDS one. (Life). [email protected]

Starbucks Day   March 31

17 Fascinating Facts About Starbucks That You'll Drink Right Up