When Promotions Attack #6: The Time A Platinum-Selling Artist Performed For 11 Kids In A High School Auditorium
Promos are often viewed as spots and that you really need to do more than just run some imaging. You need a ground assault.

Can I Have A T-Shirt?
For a Millenia we have been giving shirts to people and have pretty much trained the global populace that if they ask, they could get a shirt. And let’s be honest: people will ask stations that they’ve never heard of for a shirt.

The ’10 Questions A Day’ Theory Of Street Teaming
Street Teamers are far more likely to be approached and asked a question about the programming or promotions of a radio station than anyone else on the staff. So it kind of behooves them to have the answers. Being an effective representative of the radio station is a lot more than wearing a clean T-shirt and having above-average hygiene. It’s about having knowledge of the brand and being able to share it with the listeners and listeners-to-be.

The Kent Dorfman Guide To Getting A Gig
When I go around and do Street school with the radio stations every spring and train in their promo teams, one of the things that I highlight at the very beginning, is that when you meet somebody on the street they interviewing you for the job of being their favorite...
The Cool Carl Paranski Theory Of Cool
Looking back at high school you realize that really, there were maybe one or two people who were actually cool. And they were cool because they didn’t try to be cool. They were kind of above all that stupidity. They were just themselves and if you didn’t like them, well, that’s alright. Cool? That’s just something you are.