W.W.L.D. (What Would Listeners Do)

W.W.L.D. (What Would Listeners Do)

“Creating” a contest or an event or a promotion is an exercise in problem solving. Facebook is a great facilitator of research. It makes focus grouping 30 non-Radio friends with “Hey, Brad Paisley wants to do something creative on Zoom” instant and easy. We’re only as good as our ideas and there’s a whole resource for them that we’ve never tapped.

“Local” In 2020

“Local” In 2020

With all of the talk about “live and local” we have an opportunity to really step-it-up in that department.
There are an increasing number of brands that you can listen to for an hour and literally have no idea where they are. So, there-in lies the opportunity. What features or promotions are there that you can add a local spin to?