W.W.L.D. (What Would Listeners Do)

W.W.L.D. (What Would Listeners Do)

“Creating” a contest or an event or a promotion is an exercise in problem solving. Facebook is a great facilitator of research. It makes focus grouping 30 non-Radio friends with “Hey, Brad Paisley wants to do something creative on Zoom” instant and easy. We’re only as good as our ideas and there’s a whole resource for them that we’ve never tapped.

The Summer Of ‘20

The Summer Of ‘20

As some semblance of what is and what isn’t normal returns to our lives, we need to look into the near future and start ramping up plans for the summer. Knowing that people are going to be “out” (safely and distanced) at every opportunity, maybe that’s your Summer umbrella: Get Out, And Stay Out. And the focus is all of the stuff above and more. Boating. Golfing. Backyard gatherings. Barbecues.

Make This “Radio’s Finest Hour”

Make This “Radio’s Finest Hour”

People are locked down, quarantining and are scared. So maybe there are things we can do to help them through this. This could be a chance for us to remind ourselves and our listeners that we can be more than just a wacky morning show top. Help the listeners. Help your clients. And help your stations. It’s a scary time but we got these silly things called licenses for just these kinds of moments.